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Using Carbon Markets to Fuel the Energy Transition

Abstract global climate change solution concept, depicting a globe overlaid over a field with a mountain
Tetra Tech’s Rodrigo Chaparro, senior climate advisor, 着眼于2021年联合国气候变化大会(COP26)确定的碳融资方案如何帮助电力公司和大型能源消费者降低温室气体减排成本.


According to International Emission Trading Association estimates, 到2050年,第六条推动的实现《全球最大体育平台》目标的资金流动可能飙升至每年1万亿美元. 各国政府正在采取措施,通过实施强制性排放目标来实现国家自主贡献(NDCs), introducing a carbon tax, or both.

受影响最大的公用事业公司和能源消耗大户正在寻找减少对煤炭依赖的方法, finance and develop new clean energy generation plants, and advance the energy transition. 第6条规定的碳融资方案可以降低减排成本, offering a clear path forward.

What are the implications of Article 6?​

第6条阐明了各国可用于实现其国家自主贡献中规定的减排的三种手段. The first two instruments are designed to spark private sector involvement. 这些工具将利用碳市场促进从实现减排的国家向获得减排的国家的减排转移.

The third, 非市场手段使各国"能够共同努力实现缓解和适应, as well as sustainable development and poverty reduction,” according to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

第6条规定的三种碳融资方案可以降低减排成本, offering a clear path forward.

Consolidating the new carbon market might take a few years, and early movers will have a competitive advantage. 处于市场前沿的公司将能够以合法的碳抵消来补充其内部缓解措施.

What are the market-based instruments, and how do they work?

Instrument 1—Cooperative Approach

The first instrument, commonly called the Cooperative Approach, 允许利用直接双边安排在东道国开展减排活动. These arrangements generate credits, or international transferred mitigation outcomes (ITMOs), that can be transferred to the partner country for use in meeting its NDCs. 国际海事组织必须从2021年初以来根据合作办法开展的活动中产生. These ITMOs also can be measured in tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (tC02e) or in other non-GHG metrics determined by the country partners.

Some countries are already working toward establishing Cooperative Approaches. 一般来说,伙伴国家政府共同确定资助条件以及哪些活动有资格产生碳信用额. 捐赠者可以为政府或资助项目的私全球最大体育平台公司获得补偿.

For example, 一个在地热发电方面有丰富经验的发达国家可以支持在一个严重依赖煤炭和缺乏地热专门知识的发展中国家推广这项技术. 当一个特定的地热项目投入运营时,发展中国家将获得一定数量的碳补偿作为补偿.

Instrument 2—Sustainable Development Mechanism

The second instrument, informally called the Sustainable Development Mechanism (SDM), operates between companies. SDM定义了多边信用机制的规则,使一家公司能够在一个国家减少排放,并将信用额出售给另一个国家的另一家公司. 后者可以使用它们来履行自己的减排义务.

该机制取代了根据《亚洲最大体育平台》建立的清洁发展机制(CDM),由《全球最大体育平台》秘书处运作. The SDM also requires that the crediting period start no earlier than January 1, 2021. However, 如果清洁发展机制项目是在1月1日或之后注册的,那么在清洁发展机制下发布的一些经认证的减排量(CERs)可以用于实现国家自主贡献, 2013.

尽管希望利用这些新的市场机制的公司需要扫清障碍, 规则的澄清通过促进各司法管辖区之间排放交易体系的联系,减少了私营部门的市场不确定性, enabling new mitigation activities to start under the SDM, and setting rules to move projects operating under the CDM to the SDM.

Companies must request to transition existing CDM projects to the SDM no later than the end of 2023; requests must be approved before the end of 2025. SDM要求公司使用基于项目的协议来提高会计的透明度和准确性. 同时,采用合作方式的国家必须通过报告详细说明转让安排, which the UNFCCC Secretariat will review and make available to the public.


Tetra Tech’s energy consulting and technical implementation services can help clients:

  • Structure schemes that address project eligibility, compensation mechanisms, financing, regulatory issues, monitoring and verification, 为国家间无缝实施合作方式提供法律咨询
  • Build clean energy SDM portfolios with carbon offsets that can be traded internationally
  • 确定并获得可用于补充其排放目标的高质量补偿
  • 把握新碳市场的监管空间,支持合规,最大限度地降低减排成本


About the author

Headshot of Rodrigo Chaparro

Rodrigo Chaparro

Rodrigo Chaparro is a sustainable energy and climate change specialist.

Rodrigo拥有超过20年的实施成本效益解决方案的经验,这些解决方案以最小的气候影响促进增长. He has deployed risk mitigation instruments for energy investments, financing mechanisms for decarbonization projects, 以及可再生能源和能源效率应用的技术和政策解决方案.

Rodrigo has extensive experience managing major initiatives from international donors, including multilateral banks, the U.S. government, the United Nations, and Japanese and Danish aid agencies. At the Inter-American Development Bank, 他领导实施了节能保险计划,并支持全球最大体育平台可持续运输和电池储能方面的新贷款和技术援助.

Rodrigo持有哥伦比亚国立大学化学工程学士和硕士学位. 他曾在哥伦比亚、德国和美国生活过,精通英语和西班牙语.

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